Canadian Tagging Errors: Tag Types

Canadian phosphor tagging has been classified into Tag Types. Tagging errors, the result of either shifts of the tagging, shifts of the perforations (or die cutting on self-adhesive stamps), or the lack of tagging, result in sub types of these major classifications:

Winnipeg tagging
W1: one tag bar down the middle of the stamp.

click for images of W1 errors

W2: tag bars down the vertical perforations with the result being two half-tag bars on a stamp.

click for images of W2 errors

W3: six tag bars across the pane of ten stamps, on alternate columns, including the left and right selvedge.

click for images of W3 errors

W4: five tag bars across the pane of ten stamps, on alternate columns, ignoring the left and right selvedge.

click for images of W4 errors

W5: pale tag wash over entire stamp.


General tagging

G1: pale tag wash over entire stamp.

G2: tag bars down the vertical perforations with the result being two half-tag bars on a stamp.

click for images of G2 errors

G3: tag bars down the vertical perforations and a tag bar down the middle of a stamp. The result is three vertical bars per stamp.

click for images of G3 errors

G4: tag bars on all four sides of a stamp.

click for images of G4 errors
click for images of G4b errors
click for images of G4f errors
click for images of G4g errors

G5: two thin, short tag bars applied inside the stamp.

click for images of G5 errors



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